More than 75 interested parties found their way to the DCMC innovation centre at Aviolanda Aerospace on Thursday 28 September 2023. On the agenda is a review of the EFRO OPZuid project that started in 2017 and which now comes to an end. To demonstrate the results of the project, the project partners presented the outcome of the various Work Packages through presentations and demonstrations to the audience. New innovations on composite inspection and repair were shown. In addition to looking back, there was also room for a preview of the future of DCMC. Martin Knegt, director of DCMC, welcomed the visitors. "Today is a special day and all parties that made DCMC possible are here to witness the results of the project." Partners of the project are the European Union, Ministry of Defence, Province of Noord-Brabant, Fokker Services Group, Royal NLR, TU Delft, SPECTO Aerospace, Rewin, BOM, Dutch Terahertz Inpsection Services, Damen Naval and Tiat Europe. "We started the OPZuid project in 2017 with ten partners and seven work packages. With the main goal: innovation in composite maintenance. This has brought us to where we are today: DCMC is a consortium for developing knowledge and expertise in the field of inspection, production, repair and maintenance of composites. Located in a beautiful physical innovation center at Aviolanda Aerospace nearby the Woensdrecht Airforce Base." After the introduction, Mr. Ivo van der Vlis, Managing Director of Aviolanda Aerospace, briefly introduced himself to the audience and emphasized the importance of innovations in MRO as well as his views on the position of Aviolanda to be a center where innovation takes place. RESULTS OF THE OPZUID PROJECTOf course, there is great interest in the question whether project OPZuid has achieved its intended goal. The event has been organized specifically to demonstrate the achievements of the project. Six work packages for inspection and repair have now been realized. To achieve this, NLR and TU Delft have grasped various innovations, of which demonstrations were given during the event. The seventh work package focused on the development of DCMC as a center of knowledge and expertise, in which both regional business development centers REWIN and BOM played an important networking role. In collaboration with ACRATS Training Services, a physical innovation center has been realized. In addition, there is a focus for network development and international collaborations. Of course, we aim to attract more partners in the future."…
Category: Events
Het Development Center for Maintenance of Composites (DCMC) is verheugd om het eindevenement voor het OPZuid-project aan te kondigen. Op 28 september 2023 van 13.30 tot 16.30 uur zijn geïnteresseerden welkom op Aviolanda Aerospace. Het evenement zal de prestaties van het OPZuid-project belichten en inzicht geven in de toekomstplannen van DCMC voor voortdurende innovatie. Het OPZuid-project is een samenwerkingsverband tussen Nederlandse innovatieve bedrijven en kennisinstituten. Waaronder Fokker Services, Specto Aerospace, de Technische Universiteit Delft, het Koninklijk NLR - Netherlands Aerospace Centre, ACRATS, TiaT Europe, DTIS en Damen Shipyards. Samen hebben zij hun expertise op het gebied van inspectie, productie, reparatie en onderhoud van composieten gebundeld om te voldoen aan de toenemende vraag naar composiettoepassingen in diverse industrieën. Innovatietrajecten Het eindevenement bevat demonstraties en presentaties van de verschillende innovatietrajecten die tijdens het OPZuid-project zijn ontwikkeld. Deze innovatietrajecten richten zich op het ontwikkelen van gecertificeerde composiet reparatiemethoden, niet-destructieve evaluatie scanmethoden voor grote oppervlakken en testfaciliteiten om onderhoudskosten te verlagen. Maar ook op monitoringsmechanismen in grote composietconstructies, geautomatiseerde reparatietechnieken en geautomatiseerde laser-voorbereidingsprocessen. "We zijn trots op de prestaties die zijn geleverd tijdens het OPZuid-project," aldus Martin Knegt, Managing Director van DCMC. "De samenwerking en expertise die we hebben samengebracht, hebben het veld van composiet- en reparatieonderhoud aanzienlijk vooruit geholpen, ten goede komend aan verschillende industrieën." Hoewel het OPZuid-project ten einde loopt, stopt DCMC niet met haar reis naar innovatie en groei. "Het eindevenement zal ook dienen als platform om onze visie voor de toekomst te delen," voegt Knegt toe. "We werken actief samen met de Stichting DCMC om plannen voor de toekomst te ontwikkelen, waarbij DCMC een centrum blijft voor composietonderhoudsinnovaties." Netwerken DCMC streeft ernaar zich wereldwijd te positioneren als de circulaire hub voor onderhoud van composieten en hybride structuren. Om dit te bereiken, richt het centrum een 'one-stop-innovation-shop' op, waar diverse inspectie-, reparatie- en onderhoudstechnologieën continu worden ontwikkeld. Bovendien staat DCMC open voor nieuwe partners om de competitieve positie van het cluster verder te versterken. Het eindevenement biedt gelegenheid voor deelnemers om in contact te komen met het netwerk van DCMC en mogelijke samenwerkingen te verkennen. Geïnteresseerde partijen worden uitgenodigd om contact op te nemen met Martin Knegt, Managing Director van DCMC, via telefoonnummer +31651729031 of per e-mail via Voor meer informatie over DCMC en het eindevenement, kunt u terecht op de website of volg DCMC op LinkedIn via Indien u aanwezig wilt zijn bij het evenement kunt u…
News DCMC Demonstration Event Large Area Inspection of Composites On Wednesday 16 November 2022, the Development Center for Maintenance of Composites (DCMC) in collaboration with the Royal Netherlands Aerospace Centre (NLR) organised a demonstration of advanced large-scale inspection techniques of composite structures. The demonstration is the result of one of the Workpackages (WP2) of the EFRO OPZuid Project PROJ-00730 – Fieldlab DCMC and gives a glimpse into an innovative application of non-destructive inspection techniques (NDI). The demonstration took place in the recently opened facility of DCMC and ACRATS at the Aviolanda Aerospace business park in the presence of a large number of representatives of the civil and military aircraft maintenance industry. Due to the increasing use of composites as a construction material in aircraft construction, the demand for fast and efficient inspection techniques is increasing. Members of NLR's NDI project group gave an interactive session to combine the results from various non-destructive inspection techniques into a 3D scan of the inspected object. The methods used were 3D structural light scanning and Lock-in thermography. Normally the methods Thru-transmission thermography and Laser shearography are also applied there, but due to the available time of the demonstration, only the results of these techniques were shown in the final 3D scan. During the demonstration, an aircraft radome was used as an inspection object with which the technology could be shown to the attendees. By first showing the results of the various inspection methods, it became clear what the possibilities and limitations of each method are. In the end, the results were combined into a complete image that was shown via a 3D scan of the inspected object and with which the condition of the object was clearly visible. During the demonstration event, a second innovative inspection technique was also shown that is currently being developed by a group of students from the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering of Delft University of Technology under the supervision of NLR. The topic 'Swarm of Inspection Drones' indicates that a methodology has been developed with which multiple drones in conjunction with each other can carry out an automated, visual inspection of a large object, such as an aircraft, wind turbine, ship, infrastructure object, etc. By means of an interactive presentation, the technique was explained, after which the attendees could experience the technique from the inside using a HoloLens. The attached photos give an impression of the event.…